This Week With Huzoor
This Week With Huzoor - 16 June 2023
16 Jun 23
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Waqifaat-e-Nau from Canada. In addition, Huzoor delivered the concluding address at the IAAAE Symposium and met the dignitaries attending the event. In the Friday Sermon Huzoor spoke about the life of the Holy Prophet (sa). 0:00 - Intro 1:05 - Introduction of Mulaqat with Waqifaat from Canada. 1:57 - How can we guide young children, who are being taught many un-Islamic and confusing concepts at school? 5:25 - What is the significance of Rukhsati in Islam and why individuals are instructed not to meet their spouse alone after the Nikah? 9:07 - Is it mandatory for Muslim women to wear an outer covering such as a burqa or a coat? 11:47 - What is Huzoor’s message to those who argue that allowing women to have jobs goes against Islamic tradition? 16:30 - How can we strengthen our bond with Allah and maintain steadfastness during stressful times? 19:40 - What is Huzoor’s guidance regarding maternity leave, whether we should take longer leave or resign? 21:57 - What is Huzoor’s guidance about someone who has been divorced and is scared to get married again? 23:17 - Concluding remarks of Mulaqat with Waqifaat e Nau from Canada. 26:06 - Introduction of IAAAE Annual Symposium. 26:33 - Highlight of Huzoor’s concluding address at IAAAE Symposium. 29:32 - Intro of meeting with dignitaries before IAAAE Symposium. 30:06 - Interview with guest after the meeting. 32:45 - Friday Sermon Clip 16 June 2023
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