This Week With Huzoor
This Week With Huzoor - 11 August 2023
1 Sep 23
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) held various meetings with guests and delegations following the Jalsa Salana UK. In the Friday Sermon, Huzoor spoke how Islam Ahmadiyyat is winning the hearts of the people. 0:00 - Intro 0:33 - Introduction of meetings after Jalsa Salana UK. 0:59 - Introduction of meeting with delegation from Ghana. 1:08 - Conversation with Yakub Sahib. 1:39 - Conversation with Waseem Dean Sahib. 2:09 - Why are Ghanians so special in Huzoor's eyes? 2:59 - Huzoor giving chocolates during the meeting. 3:21 - Conversation with a newly qualified lawyer from Ghana. 4:01 - Meeting with a delegation from Uganda. 5:14 - Concluding remarks of the meeting with delegation from Uganda. 5:27 - Friday Sermon Extract 11 August 2023.
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