This Week With Huzoor

10 Nov 23
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Jama'at members in Albania.
In the Friday Sermon Huzoor continued to relate incidents from the Life of the Holy Prophet (sa).
0:00 - Intro
0:49 - Introduction of Mulaqat with Jama'at in Albania.
1:14 - Video presentation of the Mosque Complex in Albania.
3:00 - Many people say we have been cursed by Black Magic, what should we say to them?
6:27 - I am greatly affected by negative world news, how can I overcome this?
8:19 - Will Muslims achieve worldly strength as well as spiritual strength?
14:16 - Member requests Huzoor's prayers for the Ahmadi's of Albania.
16:33 - Why is there an emphasis on reading Sura al-Kahf on Friday's?
18:54 - Why can we not read namaz behind Non-Ahmadi's?
21:15 - Member expresses his love for Huzoor.
23:55 - How can we encourage members to come to the Mosque?
27:03 - Can we take part in protests for the innocents in Palestine, Ukraine, etc?
28:33 - Conclusion of Mulaqat.
28:42 - Friday Sermon Clip 10 November 2023 - Incidents from the Life of the Holy Prophet (sa).
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Muslim Television Ahmadiyya
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