This Week With Huzoor

10 May 24
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual mulaqat with Missionaries from Canada.
In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor (aba) spoke regarding various expeditions after the Battle of Uhud.
0:00 - Intro.
0:32 - Introduction of Mulaqat with Missionaries from Canada.
1:25 - Guidance from Huzoor (aba) to the missionaries.
7:43 - How can a missionary play his role in educating and morally training Lajna?
11:56 - Can we draw a line between differentiating whether something is done as an investigation or simply as curiosity?
17:14 - If someone has a business related to alcohol or tobacco, how can they be made to understand?
21:23 - How can a missionary balance his duties between his posting and other auxiliary responsibilities?
27:05 - How can missionaries avoid difficulties with other office bearers?
30:24 - Huzoor (aba) mentioned regarding his health, we all prayed for Huzoor (aba), how is Huzoor (aba) now?
30:44 - Huzoor (aba) imparts some concluding guidance to the missionaries and concludes the mulaqat.
31:26 - Friday Sermon Clip 10 May 2024 - Request for prayers.
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