This Week With Huzoor

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Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a mulaqat with Khuddam from Germany and the National Amila members and
Presidents of Lajna Imaillah Switzerland.
In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor (aba) highlighted the Holy Prophet's (saw) treatment of transgressors.
0:00 - Title Sequence.
0:32 - Introduction of Mulaqat with Khuddam from Germany and Lajna from Switzerland.
1:23 - Huzoor (aba) advises how to comfort a daughter of a Martyr.
2:22 - How can a Waqf-e-Nau fulfil their obligations?
3:34 - Khuddam in Munich live far from a Mosque, how can we address this challenge?
4:40 - Mulaqat concludes and the delegation is granted a photo with Huzoor (aba).
4:51 - Introduction of Mulaqat with the National Amila members and Presidents of Lajna Imaillah Switzerland.
5:09 - Guidance on how to deal with members who do not attend events?
5:48 - When questioned, some members say "its between us and Allah", how can we address this?
9:12 - The majority of people in Switzerland state they do not want unsolicited mail, is it then appropriate that Jamaat members often post Tabligh leaflets?
13:05 - Despite lots of efforts of parents, kids as soon as they enter youth, to integrate society, they participate in wrong activities, which takes no account of halal or haram, what is the best step in this situation?
15:26 Western people and people who have no religious background but still they are ruling the world in science and technology,sociology and research field, is ut a wreward from Allah or a trial.advice on how to educate and train children on this topic
18:31 Citing the service of muslim woman in early Islam, a Lajna member asks how can ahmadi muslim woman come forward for the service of Islam whilst upholding hijab and maintaining appropriate segregation
22:26 for Jamaat programs where Lajna are on one side and man on the other side, like for Sirat un Nabi Jalsa, can Lajnas do speeches which the men side can also hear?
23:20 Can a woman still do Wassiyat without the agreement of her parents or the permission of her husband?
24:25 Some parents give their children classes from Murabbiyan of other countries. For Quran recitation classes, fees are given, does Jamaat allow this?
25:08 Huzoor said for Tarbiyyat to make such programs after consulting with the girls so that they are more interested and their rapport is stronger, we tried very hard
but we still cant get a good presence.
27:06 Sadr Lajna seeks Huzoor's guidance about difficulties faced by the Rishta Nata department.
28:49 - Friday Sermon Clip, 31 January 2025 - The Holy Prophet's (saw) treatment of transgressors.
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