This Week With Huzoor
This Week With Huzoor - 21 February 2025
21 Feb 25
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over mulaqat’s with the Al Islam website team, Khuddam from the North West region of the USA, and a group of Ahmadi Muslims from St. Catharines Jamaat in Canada. In addition, Huzoor (aba) granted an audience to members of parliament Ed Davey and Luke Taylor. In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor (aba) narrated some excerpts of Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud’s (ra) vision for a successful Pakistan. 0:00 - Title Sequence. 0:32 - Introduction to Mulaqat’s with the Al Islam website team, Khuddam from the North West region of the USA, a group of Ahmadi Muslims from St. Catharines Jamaat in Canada and members of parliament Ed Davey and Luke Taylor. 1:29 - Al Islam website team presentation. 3:40 - Huzoor (aba) encourages the team to promote the features of the website. 4:04 - Al Islam website team presentation continues. 5:23 - Huzoor (aba) grants the team a photograph and gifts them pens. 5:32 - Introduction to Mulaqat with Khuddam from the North West region of the USA. 6:05 - How can we resolve conflicts within our families? 7:33 - Is it better to live in a costly area close to a Mosque or further away? 8:57 - Is it considered disobedience to have an opinion that differs from the Khalifa? 11:42 - How long should a new couple wait before having children? 12:25 - Is it permissible to enhance a person's intellect through AI? 14:10 - Is it permissible to take steroids for body building? 16:07 - What is Huzoor's (aba) perspective on robotics and AI? 17:19 - How can one maintain a balance between leaving a matter to Allah and continuing to make human efforts? 19:52 - Huzoor (aba) grants an audience to members of parliament Ed Davey and Luke Taylor. 20:35 - Ed Davey and Luke Taylor MP reflect on their meeting with Huzoor (aba). 21:31 - Introduction to Mulaqat with Ahmadi Muslims from St. Catharines Jamaat in Canada. 22:04 - How important is the Amila meeting that we hold every month? 23:57 - Friday Sermon Clip, 21 February 2025 - Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud’s (ra) vision for a successful Pakistan.
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