Peace Symposium
1h 18m
25 Mar 17
This Symposium is a key event of the Community held at the largest mosque in Western Europe and this year marks the 14th to date. The event promotes a deeper understanding of Islam and other faiths and seeks to inspire a concerted effort for lasting peace. This year’s theme is Global conflicts and the need for Justice.
More than 800 guests attend the unique event including Secretaries of State, parliamentarians, diplomats, faith and civic leaders as well as representatives from numerous charities and faith communities. Guests will also get an opportunity to be given a guided tour of the mosque complex. Various dignitaries will give short speeches and the highlight of the event will be the keynote address by the Khalifa of Islam.
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Muslim Television Ahmadiyya
A division of Al-Shirkatul Islamiyyah
Charity No. 295197
Reg. No. 2051424